MCFJC Logo | Montgomery County Family Justice Center Foundation

Mission & Accomplishments

Our Mission

The mission of the MCFJC Foundation is two-fold:  we support the work of the Montgomery County Family Justice Center by raising funds and providing services to victims of domestic violence and their children; and we raise awareness regarding the impact of domestic violence and outreach to the County’s youth to help teach about healthy relationships. A non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation, The MCFJC Foundation works to help strengthen the lives of families affected by domestic violence and relationship abuse and break the cycle of violence in future generations.

We look forward to the day when the scourge of domestic violence – emotional, psychological and physical abuse – will no longer be a factor in the lives of our friends and neighbors in Montgomery County.

Diversity Statement 

The Montgomery County Family Justice Center Foundation is committed to creating and maintaining diversity on our Board of Directors in order to create a culturally progressive and socially reflective organization that represents and supports our mission and those we serve.

Our Accomplishments

We’re proud that the Montgomery County Family Justice Center Foundation is an active, dynamic organization that works 365 days a year, because domestic violence never takes a day off. Our donors and supporters have:

  • Provided more than 100 children who have witnessed domestic violence, the opportunity to receive individual psychological services specifically for pre-teens and teens.
  • More than four dozen children have had the opportunity to benefit from an Art Therapy program
  • We offered education and training seminars – on a statewide level –  to almost 1,000 social workers, guidance counselors, school nurses, etc., who work with youth who have been exposed to domestic violence.
  • Our GEICO funded “Ride to Safety” has provided emergency transportation to dozens and dozens of survivors of domestic violence
  • Our Lawyers Initiative educated and trained 25 additional attorneys pro bono attorneys willing to help FJC clients get Initial Protective Orders
  • Provided more than 300 winter coats to women and children who come to the Center and who otherwise did not have a coat
  • “Our Basket of Hope” project – a community partnership program with Enterprise, local Rotary Clubs, knitting groups, and many more organizations, sororities, etc., provided emergency personal hygiene items to hundreds of people in desperate need of diapers for the babies, basic soap, shampoo, comb, brush, etc.
  • A partnership with the Montgomery County Department of Recreation allowed 30 children to have a Summer Camp experience.
  • We helped nourish thousands of clients and their children when they come to the FJC by providing both non-perishable foods offered through Women Who Care Ministries as well as from Panera Bread.
  • We partnered with Montgomery College so that we could help provide dozens of opportunities for our clients to receive educational opportunities in the medical administration, as well as other academic pursuits, that helps increase the job skills and further lead them to financial independence.
  • Thousands of children who have come to the FJC have received a new stuffed animal, or a book or game or toy, so they have something of their own to love and cherish during this difficult time
  • More than 3,000 Teens and Pre-teens have benefitted from the day-long seminar, funded through Verizon, entitled “Choose Respect-Montgomery”
  • Verizon also partnered with us to support the State’s Attorney’s office Anti-Bullying campaign in Montgomery County Public Schools. The program reaches thousands of children in middle school.
  • We support the Domestic Violence Coordinating Council’s Coaching Boys Into Men Project as well as the Department of Police World Elder Abuse Awareness program – outreaching to hundreds and hundreds of people throughout our community.
  • Actively promoted awareness of the Montgomery County Family Justice Center through regular speaking engagements to a dozen or more community and civic groups
  • Our Annual Benefit attracts the support hundreds of individuals, corporations, associations and dignitaries, as well as serve as a way to recognize those who have gone above-and-beyond in working to end the scourge of domestic violence and relationship abuse.