MCFJC Logo | Montgomery County Family Justice Center Foundation

Our Mission

Our mission is to help end domestic violence and abuse of all ages.  We do this by raising awareness through education and providing resources and programs that assist victims of abuse.

By working with community partners to harness our combined resources, we provide support to victims of domestic violence and their children; and promote healthy dating relationships among teenagers. 

We are dedicated to ending violence and abuse of all ages and promoting healing after abuse.

Celebrating 15 Years of Service

Celebrating 15 Years of Service | MCFJC Foundation

Join our Power of ONE Monthly Giving program to support families affected by abuse year round!

Imagine a day without fear and abuse.
Imagine a childhood where children are safe to grow and flourish.
Imagine a family transitioning from a life of fear, intimidation and abuse to healing, growing, and thriving.
Finally. . . Imagine your monthly gift making that all possible and it can all start with as little as $5 per month.

Sign up for the monthly giving and you will be entered to win one of these prizes!

Upcoming Events

Information on Sponsoring a Donation Drive for MCFJC

or make a direct donation to the MCFJC Foundation

Our Programs

LifeLine direct services help remove the barriers that prevent victims of abuse from getting the assistance they need to leave an abusive relationship and become survivors of intimate partner abuse and domestic violence.

Programs for children exposed to domestic violence provide immediate support for safety and long-term healing from abuse.

Teen Outreach programs raise awareness about teen dating violence (TDV), promote healthy teen dating relationships and stop the cycle of violence in future generations.

Programs for Community Outreach, Education, and Intervention.

The Montgomery County Family Violence Awareness & Prevention Campaign

Helping Victims of Domestice Violence During COVID-19

Children & Abuse Information